Hi, I'm Nobu and these are some of my favorite songs~a never ending mixtape. Dance, slam, chill...hell, click your fingers while kickin' back in the futon, if that's what you're into. And, YES, buy the music! Support the band! Liner notes, record jackets and smokey clubs ARE cool!

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Sub Pop singles were pretty cool...

The Fluid
Tin Top Toy 7"
Sub Pop 1990

Sub Pop have always been a singles label, well, at least for me. The Nirvana "Sliver" single, Dinosaur's "The Wagon", Six Finger Satellite, Fugazi, Lou Barlow, RFTC...hell, even Velocity Girl's "Crazy Town" (I luved the flipside, "Creepy").

The Dwarves, anyone?

Anyway, I picked this single (The Fluid) up in the used 7" bin at Epicenter (RIP) in San Francisco for $2, in '95. A bargin for me, I had been searching for this 7" for a couple of years...nowadays, in Japan, I see this in the 10 singles for ¥500 corner...oh well.

A great melodic/punk rock tune. The b-side to "Tin Top Toy" 7".

What's your favorite Sub Pop single? Mine would be SP155, Codeine's "Realize/Broken Hearted Wine" 7". Answers in comments, please!

1. The Fluid=ex punx outa Colorado, The Frantix.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My fave? The Amazing Crowns Sub Pop singles club disc with Chop Shop and Amateur Night.

1:59 PM, November 27, 2004


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