Hi, I'm Nobu and these are some of my favorite songs~a never ending mixtape. Dance, slam, chill...hell, click your fingers while kickin' back in the futon, if that's what you're into. And, YES, buy the music! Support the band! Liner notes, record jackets and smokey clubs ARE cool!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Ben Deily's Lemonheads/Pods

I was a huge Lemonheads fan, well, until they started to sorta suck in the early/mid 90s. The first 3 Taang! LPs were awesome, from their "razor sharp" punk beginnings to their more held back indie rock days of 1989's Lick. Though I enjoy some of their later stuff (It's A Shame About Ray, in particular) the first 3 with the Ben Deily/Evan Dando combo are still records I listen to today.

Back in 1987, Taang! put out a cassette compilation/sampler called A Fist Full o' Hits. A great comp, with stuff by Mission of Burma, Outlets, Oysters, Jerry's Kids, DYS, Ganggreen, and, uhh, Kilslug? Plus, two new Boston area bands, Bullet LaVolta and Lemonheads. I remember making dubs of the Lemonheads' track, "Second Chance," for my friends and raging about them. So when Hate Your Friends finally came out later that year, I had a new favorite record.

Hate Your Friends LP (buy)
Taang! 1987

Moody and dark, Creator didn't really click for me when I first got it. The Lemonheads were in their post-Hüsker Dü phase, slower songs with...acoustic guitars! (Though this song has a nice beat.) Not a LP for a DRI loving guy like me.
Nowadays, Creator is my favorite Lemonheads LP.

Two Weeks In Another Town
Creator LP (buy)
Taang! 1988

All of these songs are Ben's: I've always liked his songs/voice over Evan's. So it was sort of sad when Ben left the band and Evan became an indie rock idol/crack addict. Ben Deily went on to form the Pods who put out a 7" and a CD, both of which included this bitter, rocking song about the two's breakup.

Name In Vain
Where I'm Calling From CD
self released 1994

1. Ben Deily has a page (literally).
2. Thanks for the links! Pop Is Pablum, the mp3 blogs aggregator (which, mysteriously, seems to be down) and the Web Nymph aggregator.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out our site for some cool early photos of the band, plus some handwritten original lyrics by Ben


4:15 AM, January 18, 2006


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