Singles A to Z: Part B
One thing I've been spending an insane amount of time doing is converting songs from my 7" collection into mp3s. The iPod curse for us analog junkies. Anyway, I thought I might as well upload some of the best over the next few months (or years, if I keep at this pace!)
Singles A to Z: Part B

Badge 714
Tearless 7"
Wonder Release 1994
Japanese indie pop band...featuring ex Beyonds bassist dude plus drummer of all trades, Yotchan (ex Mensu/DMBQ/Sawpit/Sap/+ a shit load of bands that I have no memory of at the moment.) Still active with different members as Seameal.

Bitch Magnet
Sadie 7"
The Caff Corporation 1991
Mr. Sooyoung Park...dude, did I have a hard on for this guy. Bitch Magnet to Seam to ee (are they still around?) Seam's The Problem With Me is a late Sunday afternoon classic (bring out the wine and cheese)...this is from a (I'm guessing) early demo, Hüskerish aggro, before their Big Black/Bastro/Touch And Go fixation.

Are Everything 7"
United Artists 1980
I actually got this single at a punXmas party, the typical B.Y.O.Gift-to-be-passed-around type deal. I forget what I chipped in, probably some cheap assed shit which totally bummed out the (un)lucky recipient...anyway, though I was psyched that I got a Buzzcocks single, I didn't listen to it for a few weeks...I was pissed 'cause I had seen them earlier in San Francisco and they didn't play Ever Fallen In Love. Duh. Once I listened to the damn record, Chainstore ruled and it is their best song.
1. Singles A to Z: Part A can be found here (minus the music...sorry)
2. Z and Joy fucking kill. Nihongo desu...
3. Hey! 2 posts in two days! I'm on a roll.