Hi, I'm Nobu and these are some of my favorite songs~a never ending mixtape. Dance, slam, chill...hell, click your fingers while kickin' back in the futon, if that's what you're into. And, YES, buy the music! Support the band! Liner notes, record jackets and smokey clubs ARE cool!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Singles A to Z: Part B

One thing I've been spending an insane amount of time doing is converting songs from my 7" collection into mp3s. The iPod curse for us analog junkies. Anyway, I thought I might as well upload some of the best over the next few months (or years, if I keep at this pace!)

Singles A to Z: Part B

Badge 714
Mama Made A Face At The Cloudy Sky
Tearless 7"
Wonder Release 1994

Japanese indie pop band...featuring ex Beyonds bassist dude plus drummer of all trades, Yotchan (ex Mensu/DMBQ/Sawpit/Sap/+ a shit load of bands that I have no memory of at the moment.) Still active with different members as Seameal.

Bitch Magnet
Sadie 7"
The Caff Corporation 1991

Mr. Sooyoung Park...dude, did I have a hard on for this guy. Bitch Magnet to Seam to ee (are they still around?) Seam's The Problem With Me is a late Sunday afternoon classic (bring out the wine and cheese)...this is from a (I'm guessing) early demo, Hüskerish aggro, before their Big Black/Bastro/Touch And Go fixation.

Why She's A Girl From The Chainstore
Are Everything 7"
United Artists 1980

I actually got this single at a punXmas party, the typical B.Y.O.Gift-to-be-passed-around type deal. I forget what I chipped in, probably some cheap assed shit which totally bummed out the (un)lucky recipient...anyway, though I was psyched that I got a Buzzcocks single, I didn't listen to it for a few weeks...I was pissed 'cause I had seen them earlier in San Francisco and they didn't play Ever Fallen In Love. Duh. Once I listened to the damn record, Chainstore ruled and it is their best song.

1. Singles A to Z: Part A can be found here (minus the music...sorry)
2. Z and Joy fucking kill. Nihongo desu...
3. Hey! 2 posts in two days! I'm on a roll.


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