Hi, I'm Nobu and these are some of my favorite songs~a never ending mixtape. Dance, slam, chill...hell, click your fingers while kickin' back in the futon, if that's what you're into. And, YES, buy the music! Support the band! Liner notes, record jackets and smokey clubs ARE cool!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Jason Sears 1/23/68-1/31/06

This one goes out to Jason Sears.

Tribute To The Jester
Rock'n Roll Nightmare
Alchemy 1987
I can turn to you
Come all unglued
And spill my guts when I get troubled
As I approach, you simply joke
I laugh so hard I cry for different reasons

You never knew or cared the value of the laughs we shared
They're always priceless
Rob someone of their depression simply with your conversation

Oh Sarcastic Jester tell me one more time
'Cause if I don't cheer up today I'm bound to lose my mind
So talk with me a bit, I need your driest wit
And make me laugh until it hurts
And satisfy my fix

A few deny your qualities
Themselves, uptight unconsciously
Others will hate you for truths you expose... everyone knows
Laugh with the world and the world will be laughs with you
But make them laugh at you and if you're good they'll even pay you

Oh, Sarcastic Jester, please don't get me wrong
There's nothing more less serious than the lyrics in this song
So keep your point of view
Your cynical attitude
The world's late to appreciate the kind on earth like you!

A good laugh in hard times will add years on your life
More here.