Hi, I'm Nobu and these are some of my favorite songs~a never ending mixtape. Dance, slam, chill...hell, click your fingers while kickin' back in the futon, if that's what you're into. And, YES, buy the music! Support the band! Liner notes, record jackets and smokey clubs ARE cool!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Remember when everyone had 4-tracks and recorded shitty songs in their rooms...

Today yesterday marked year one of n o b u l o g , which pretty much fucking blows my mind. Never thought that this would last this long or that you people, worldwide, would actually take the time to check it out. Thanks!

I actually remember the first mp3ish blog I came across. I totally forget what I was searching for (live Unwound or Fugazi, maybe,) but Bradley's Almanac came up and it was like, hey, music to download that:
A) didn't show up on all the usual sites (Insound/Amazon...)
B) didn't sound like shit (96 kbps)
C) and (most importantly) that didn't suck.
I went thru the various links and found Fluxblog, Largeheartedboy...all the while, thinking, "I totally want to do this. I have enough records!"
So I experimented with my Yahoo Japan account and found it to be shit. What to do? Went with .mac, found heaven, and here we are.

What to post on the anniversary? Thought about "Year One" by X, but, naah, everyone knows that tune. So, as I am somewhat intoxicated, I give you Gr@vy, which is...uhh, me.

I've always wanted to post something performed by myself...welcome to my mind (of 10+ years back).

Don't Ask Why
Deernibus comp CD
Less Than TV 1995

I remember recording this stuff and the whole process. Waiting for everyone to leave the house, setting up the "studio" in the living room and having the cat watch (even though most of the time he was either fucking with the MTR or begging to leave the room once the recording started.)
Anyway, I recorded a bunch of songs, made a few tapes that I gave away at shows and somehow got one of them released on this comp.

Overall comment: somewhat embarrassing.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Couch Slouch

Well, it is Friday The 13th...

All For One...One For All comp CD (buy)
Grand Theft Audio 1995

UK hardcore circa 1995. Ex-straight edge kids on a thrash rampage. DRI rip off? Who cares, like, image the pit.

This was a benefit comp for Roger Miret of Agnostic Front...lots of great (mostly 80's old school) punk/hardcore, straight off long lost 7" and crappy demo tapes. AOD, BGK, Crucifix, The Proletariat, White Cross plus the lesser known (but equally awesome) Rebel Truth, Heart Attack, Zykome A, No Crisis, Plain Wrap...48 bands total.

Click! Voorhees (what's left of them) and Grand Theft Audio.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

70's Japanese folk rock

Kai Band
Bara Iro No Jinsei
Uragiri No Machikado 7"
Express/Toshiba EMI 1975

Kana and I went to the Yoyogi Koen Flea Market a few months ago. Picking thru all the overpriced hipster clothes and shit, we found a box of 7" vinyl singles. I didn't expect much, pretty much old enka and the like...but Kana did pick up a single by the Kai Band.
So we get back home, put the 45 on the turntable. The a side didn't do much for me, but I found the flipside to be somewhat, I dunno, soothing, I guess. The strings during the latter part of the song are nice.