A Product of Louisville, Kentucky
King G And The J Krew
v/a Slamdek A To Z Book/CD (buy)
K Composite Media/Initial 1996
Who the fuck are King G And The J Krew, you may ask? From Mr. K. Scott Richter's memoirs of his label, Slamdek A To Z, which included a comp CD of some of the best stuff he has released.
One of King G and the J Krew’s most recognizable assets was their propensity to take the joke-turned-obsession to inconceivable levels. M.C. Crawdad was Jason Mueller, P. Control was Heather Cantrell, A. Frisbee was Aaron Frisbee, M.C. Diogenes was Jason Noble. This six minute epic, while seemingly ridiculous in concept, totally defines the word brilliant and exceeds the boundaries of the Louisville-on-Louisville genre this release created. This song was recorded while the band was in the process of creating their masterful Indestructible Songs of the Humpback Whale CD; a process that took about two years to complete. And that’s virtually every single day for two years. After the release of the CD, they began playing shows as a rock band under the name King Kid International. That incarnation had Jon Cook on drums, Tara O’Neil on bass, and Jeff Mueller and Jason Noble singing and playing guitar. King Kid Int’l became Rodan in December 1992.King G to King Kid International to Rodan to June of 44 & Rachels & Shipping News to...
This song was originally released in 1991, on the Merry Christmas cassette compilation, on Slamdek. "Louisville bands pay tribute to their favorite other Louisville bands" being the concept of the tape. King G and the J Crew were "Louisville's own skinny, white, middle-class rappers," brought up in the punk scene. Thus, a Midnight Star/Slint hybrid cover.
The book itself is fascinating, not just documenting the typical record label shit: releases/bands/shows/guestlists...these fuckers actually organized+sponsored The Rockers, a high school girls' Field Hockey Team! Scott Ritcher plays on many of the bands featured on the included CD and went on to do graphic design for labels like Initial. Also ran for mayor of Louisville a few years back. Still getting himself in trouble with his hillarious Saint Clinton images.
Slamdek is dead, (both) ex-King G & Kid International personal are all over the place, Slint have reformed, Mr. Ritcher is one busy bee, while Midnight Star (well, sorta) is available for $11,999.
1. Thanx to Strange Reaction for the link!