"After the fucking concert, let's go across the freeway and get a drink. What do you say?"
I'm moving in a few days so this will probably be my last post for a while. I found this tape going through all the junk I have to pack.

Van Halen
live at the US Festival 1983
I taped this off of KMET, one of the hard rock (now classic?) FM stations (along with KLOS) that we used to listen to, you know, like constantly. From what I can remember, this was part of a Van Halen Weekend type deal promoting the (then) just released 1984. Considering that this cassette is 20 years old and my tape deck is at least 15, this sounds pretty good. Eddie's rad guitar wizardry and David Lee Roth's off kilter/key shrieks...get back together already, dammit!
1. Remember the KMET bumper stickers? KLOS too. The status symbols for Southern California stoners crusing down 101. Wouldn't be surprised if they were a huge cop magnet also.
2. Anyone have any moving tips? How to make a small rooms seem larger? Cool+cheap LP racks? Mirror ball or no mirror ball? (I'm sorta kidding on that one.) A free fridge?
3. My new neighborhood.
4. Shout outs to An Idiot's Guide To Dreaming and the Largehearted Boy for the links and nice comments.
5. As the song goes, "Happy trails to you, until we meet again...." Later!